About The Prints

Barry Hendrickson’s much acclaimed series of portfolios: “Ireland in Black & White” is a stunning and breathtaking look at the vast and surreal landscapes of Ireland. His dramatic black-and-white images of thought-provoking and starkly beautiful panoramas reveal the rich and tragic history of Ireland. These interpretations of Irish landscapes are luminous in nature, and rarely seen in this light.


“Ireland in Black & White” is an extensive body of work, with each subsequent series having a unique geographical or cultural focus.


Influenced heavily by the legacy of the Zone System, Barry’s work began at exposure with a pre-visualization of the image in black and white and how he would render this impression in the dark room. In the tradition of the fine print, he worked to develop print contrast with rich velvety blacks and an emphasis on relative tonal range. He transferred to the digital darkroom and embraced the lush carbon pigment inks to create his work. Nancy Wojack Hendrickson works in this medium as well. And her work is inspired by these techniques as well. 


Read about our black and white print techniques by Nancy Wojack Hendrickson, and her inspiration from an exhibit of Ansel Adams HERE >.

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